
 LO: to explore possible tasks and research similar product 
                               WED - 3 May 2023

 * Masthead

* Cover text

Research                                    Wednesday 10th May

1) Create a front cover and a double-page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds. 

1) the covers show text that tell you how to become fit and healthy giving you short messages that take the readers attention.

2) models and text.

3) White to show healthiness and cleanliness 

4) Masthead usually uses big fonted letters to show the energy from the gym and magazine

5) there is one image on the magazine cover.

6) there are eight cover lines

7) in the bottom right corner hidden away from the main image and cover lines.

8) They use a number of different fonts and sizes of letters/words, varying from thick to thin, tall to small.

9) To highlight a sentence they really want you to see, this is to lead the eye around the magazine

10) 1 big image covering the 2 pages with text around and through it. There are images over the big images specifying the texts topic 

11) usually around 1-5

12) they differ as some text they want you to see this first and smaller fonts aren't as important

13) neatly in sections usually next to the image.

magazine analysis

1) you can tell the house style by the fonts a magazine uses like mens health magazine uses a small font easy to read so people understand the text as its a lot usually. 


Coursework review

Lo:to recap brief criteria and to explore how to create effective representations

front cover

* my cover is going to follow the layout conventions by using one main image of an activity like gym with my own designed logos my dps will be acorded to the codes and conventions ill have around 6 images with different type of fitness

to do list
  • take photos for my magazine
  • make a masthead
  • write quotes to pull people in
  • write my cover lines
  • write the article
  • workout different layouts for double spread and masthead

Do now
1) you have articles about healthy eating 
2) you have articles about easy workouts to build muscles
3) you may have an article about the best gym clothing
4) you would have articles about a interview of a fitness influencer

article writing

Lo: to create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine/website using appropriate  language, tone and representation

cover lines

i will have 2 images on my magazine dps which wont link to the cover image but to a cover line instead telling the audience about recipes to make you bulk up the right way and not by eating junkfood all the time. it will have the list of ingredients and also instructions on how to prepare the dishes and cook them. there will also be listed benefits for all the recipes, like calories, energy, and carbohydrates 
the images will be simple photos off actual dishes and not the perfected dish 

headline ideas 
5 good recipes to bulk up!


    Good research into conventions but analysis is missing

    A good start - which masthead are you using?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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