Lego movie

 14th of September 2022

LO; to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie



cloud land

the old west

Middle Zealand



green lantern

wonder woman 


1) Emmet a construction worker finds out, the world he lives in is one big lie to keep everyone in pattern. He wont believe it at first but then finds out its true. He decides to join Lucy in rebelling against president business 

2) they try to put the theme of bravery and being yourself


Industry Research: LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

1) production means creating the movie, distribution means how they will release the movie

2) A company that owns multiple companys 

3) The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)

4) Universal

5) peggy system

6) peggy 7

7) lynn pictures, warner bruddas

8) Chris miller

9) TT fusion, warner bruddas

10) warner bruddas

11) the advertising standards 


Industry Research


classify products (age rating)

ensures content of products meets acceptable standards

1) so parents know what there kids are allowed to watch and dont have to research about the show/movie

2) because they are telling us what we can watch or not

vertical integration

vertical integration is the process whereby a single company controls both the production and distribution stages of a product. This means all profit go back to the parent company rather than being shared out. For example, Warner Bros is in control of both the production of the lego movie video game (TT fusion) and the distribution as they own the rights. They were able to use the same actors, characters and themes and could then capitalize on the success of the film.

it increases profits as you dont need to buy service from any other studios

Narrative Theory


Lego movie is a postmodern film because there are different hero's throughout the movie not just emmet. it has famous people in it like batman which makes the audience laugh as hes being silly throughout the movie, also near the end it switches to real life making the audience realise its still a film

1) equilibrium - Emmet lives a perfect life. He always has a standard routine and works as a builder/danser

2) Lord business is planning to glue everyone to the ground

3) Emmet realises that the world he lives in is not so perfect after all

4) Emmet and the hero team attempt to stop President Business & rescue the master builders

the hero: emmet

the villain: lord business

the doner: the vitruvius 

the helper: wild style

the princess: wild style

the dispatcher: wildstyle

the princesses father: vitruvius

the false hero: batman

Target Audience

The Lego Movie is aimed at all ages and genders because it has features like old characters in it but also bright colours and songs. At the end they even showed duplo, it is for boys and girls because they show things like batman Starwars which is gender neutral and could be watched by anybody. they have features for little girls like songs excitement and Unikitty. The adults features are making jokes only adults would understand and old characters they mention, also lord business could be linked with a person you work for or politicians.

1) The Lego Movie is a ripping adventure for kids, but is also great fun for adults and grannys.

2) the importance of making this movie for everyone 

3) as the child grows up, they will inevitably feed nostalgia about films they watched 

1) its where a movie pays the production centre a certain amount that can carry them for other movies that didnt make it

2) because it was very succesful and so it had money to keep the profit up

there have been 3 other movies after the very first lego movie

19th of October


  • posters
  • adverts
  • trailers
  • sponsors
  • public stunts
  • media posts
  • cinemas
  • interviews

  • video game
  • 16 collectible figures
  • rulers
  • building sets
on the 7th of february, McDonalds released collectible 3D cups with happy meals
they had a website enabling fans to make versions of themselves

sunday the 9th of february 2014- five days before the movie launched- ITV broadcast a world first, an ad break made entirely out of lego.

1) british heart foundation,, BT & Premier inn

they were so successful because they topped every other movie that year with marketing 
6 million people watched the ad on live tv and 1.1 million watched the ad on youtube

Trailer                                                     2nd of November

1) Because it fits in and so people know its a lego movie before watching it

Equilibrium - taco Tuesday on television while sitting on couch at home
Disruption - lord business unleashes the kragle 
recognition - he realises lord business is a bad person because he says else you'll be put to sleep 

1) because there isn't much time and the attempt to solve is most important in a trailer as it shows action which is what people want to see
2) because it would be easier for younger people to understand 


1) so you are familiar with their face and voice
2) so you know where the scenes are set
3) to show they are stronger than them


1) the story
2) it gives an intense and exciting feeling


1) it gives of the feeling that you havent watch enough of it and you need to watch more if u liked it


1) the location like the train track shows the feeling of an action
2) the bright colours of the movie show that its for kids

                                        WEDNESDAY 09/11/2022

Explain how the lego movie trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different

One element used in the lego movie is camerawork. for example throughout the trailer there are close ups of some key characters. This would appeal more to the teenagers because it highlights the main characters like emmet and Wyldstyle who look younger 

One element used in the lego movie is intertextuality. For example throughout the movie character from other movies pop up, this makes it fun for parents also as they recognise these character like Batman and superman. this helps make the character more familiar as you already know them from tv shows or movies before


LO: to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using uses and generfacation 

* TT games

1) Star Wars
2) Incredibles
3) Harry Potters
4) Kong Fu panda
5) Iron Man 

Simultaneous Releases 

Profit maximised - increases potential audiences 
Familiarity - brand, plot & characters known
Extends pleasure of the film - chance to be a part of 

2) it could teach you more about the characters
3) because theres so much to do
4) you can play it with friends

its showing entermaint because theyre having fun and being happy
theyre showing social interaction because theyre playing with 3 kids

poster campaigns


superheros posing 
Megamind frowning 

Megamind frowning shows he is probably up to no good and one of the bad guys 
news reporter there showing they may be famous 

Its for 7+ because there is minor violence like hitting people and them falling apart, this could be bad for under 7 because they will grow up thinking its okay to hit and fight this. they might get bad ideas from the game. Its also because under 7s might not understand everything because the game has a story line. The 7 plus is also because of language, kids from 5 haven't got the same vocabulary as a 7 year old, and so might not understand everything. 

Poster campaign 

1) explosions, fire and them running

In the LM poster, batman and superman are shown to resemble a sense of familiarity with the characters. People will watch the movie more because showing a familiar character gives the audience a feeling that the lego movie will be a nice movie. 

In the LM poster, they show easy images to understand so children will understand like Emmet screaming showing kids theres something with action going in the poster the bright light shows them theres action and mystery because we dont know whats going on behind them

In the LM poster, Wyldstyle is a character specially made for teenagers as she stereotypically looks like a 13-17 year old teenagers, people will get a feeling that there children will relate with her and her looks.

1) Use accurate spelling, punctuation & grammar
2) Explain WHY certain elements of Media Language appeal to the TA
3) Use the PEEL chain to structure your analysis 
4) Use CONNOTATIONS to explain the appeal

 LO/  to analyse the representations throughout the lego movie promotional campaigns

The Lego Movie: Representation

she has long hair, lipstick, shes got freckles, she has a choker on
shes not scared, dressed in black

big john (bosh) : straight white male (overweight) (rude)
evie (rah) : lesbisn black female (rude) (easy)
luke bennett : straight white male (autistic)
chef dave: gay white male (bald) (overweight) (alcoholic) 

Age is represented very stereotypically because elders have wrinkles and hair
Youngers havent got wrinkles and are all smiling with hair new and nice and Wyldstyle has hair dyes in representing youth and fun

DIRT             18th of January 2023

The LM campaign was designed to appeal to a range of audiences: young children, cinema going young adults and adults with young children; both genders.

Q8; i need to put more effort in next time as a realise i could've easily got 20/25 if i tried a little bit harder next time. talk about different uses off campaign instead of one and go into dept with the second one just as much as the first one

Q9; normal needs to be stereotypical. emmet looks scared, this challenges the gender stereotype of men being brave strong fighters. Emmet is none of these things and so that challenges the stereotype of a man. 

Improved answer Q9 

The gender representation in the LM poster is diverse characters like Emmet and Wyldstyle challenge the stereotypical gender representations. For example in the LM poster Emmet seems scared, This challenges the stereotypical gender representation because usually men are presented as brave strong and fearless. Emmet is none of those, Wyldstyle on the other hand looks fearless and brave this challenges the stereotype of women being easily frightened and harmless. 

The gender representation with Vitruvius and Lord business are very stereotypical showing Vitruvius to be a wise old man with a long beard, usually being a quite stereotypical way of presenting old men. Lord business looks fearless and angry this shows his power and stereotypically Men usually have the power and own the big businesses. Lord Business asserts his power and dominance over Emmet by looking at them with anger. 

November 2023 PPE

Question 8

They release films in cinema to build up and get you to go out to watch the movie and maybe even at the premiere. Most profit comes from cinemas instead of streaming shows in the box office.
Build up profit awards

question 9

They had released the video game first to bring another type of audience to this film because of the gaming hype. there were numerous characters to play as. video game takes longer than watching the movie

Question 10

convention of a trailer takes 2-3 minutes. It promotes the movie, it also introduces all of the key characters. usually containing voiceover explanations about what happens in the movie without revealing the ending 


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